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Public Education and Services

Blood pressure reader
Blood Pressure Checks

Blood pressure checks are available at the Fire Station during normal business hours. 


If you feel ill or have an emergency, call 911. 



Car Seat Installation

Car Seat Installations are provided by RVFD Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians on a limited schedule.


Appointments are required. Please call Tatum at 480-471-2304, ext. 2.


To ensure proper installation, please bring the car seat manual and vehicle manual. Installations may take up to 30 minutes.

CPR / AED Classes

We offer CPR/AED classes one Saturday each month from November through April (except December).


These classes are free to the residents and renters of the Verde communities. There is a $10 fee for non-residents.


We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing as you will be required to demonstrate basic CPR skills.


The class lasts four hours, so please feel free to bring a snack.


To sign up for a class please click here or call Jennifer at 480-306-6056.


Please call Tatum at 480-471-2304 ext. 2 if you'd like to inquire about CPR / AED classes.

Residential Lock Box Program

The Rio Verde Fire District has a residential lock box program in order to better serve the residents of the community. A residential lock box is a secure box installed near the main entrance of a residence, holding a key which provides access to that entrance. On duty fire district personnel will have access to this secure lock box in order to enter the home in case of an emergency.​


If you would like to participate in this program, please contact Tatum by calling 480-471-2304, ext. 2.​


Current cost of the lock box is $90.

Life Line Program

Life Line is a public safety program designed to provide accurate medical information to aid first responders coming to your emergency medical aid. Please complete a Life Line form, place it in a re-sealable plastic bag marked Life Line with a permanent marker. Place the bag on the upper right-hand shelf of your refrigerator door. Life Line forms are available at the Rio Verde fire station.

Do Not Resucitate (DNR) Forms

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Forms or Prehospital Medical Care Directive form are available at the station. This form is bright orange for easy identification and must be signed by the patient, a licensed health care provider and a witness. We suggest that this form accompany your Life Line form in a re-sealable plastic bag.

Snakes, Scorpions and other Desert Dwellers

As a general rule, snakes want little to do with humans and given the opportunity will find a quick exit. Rattlesnakes are prolific in the community; however, actual bites are extremely rare.


When walking at night, always carry a flashlight and wear proper footwear. Snakes are most active in the evening hours and like to warm themselves on the pavement. Rattlesnakes do not always rattle before striking. Most bites are caused by people not taking basic precautions:


Never place your hand where you cannot see it. Gardeners are frequently bitten when placing their hands under shrubs and plants without looking.


While a snake bite is not typically fatal (bees cause more deaths than rattlesnakes) you will need medical attention immediately. Dial 911. The nearest hospital may not have anti-venom (aka anti-venin). First responders will locate the nearest hospital with it and transport you directly there saving critical time. While waiting for help to arrive, move far away from the snake and stay calm. If possible, remove any jewelry, watches, or tight clothing before swelling starts.


Remember that all snakes have a reason to be part of our desert. Desert rodent populations are kept in-check as snakes feed on them. Bull snakes, for example, can also deter rattlesnakes from entering your yard, and are not dangerous to humans. Under no circumstances should you attempt to catch any snake, or aggravate it. If you discover a snake on your property please call 471-3504, the Citizen Assistance Line. Firefighters are trained to identify harmful snakes and can safely remove and dispose of these desert dwellers if necessary.


Unless you are allergic, scorpions are very painful but rarely cause any damage. Dial 911 if you are stung. Remember to shake out shoes and slippers - scorpions will often hide there.


For additional information, please visit these links regarding first aid for snake bites or insect bites and stings. You may also call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.

Drowning Prevention

The American Red Cross encourages everyone to plan ahead for aquatic activities:


Provide close and constant attention to children you are supervising in or near water.​


Fence pools and spas with adequate barriers, including four-sided fencing.


Learn swimming and water-safety survival skills.


Children, inexperienced swimmers, and all boaters should wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.


Always swim in a life-guarded area.

Station Tours

Please call Chief Jay Ducote at 480-471-2304 ext. 2 to schedule a fire station tour.

Please call Tatum at 480-471-2304 ext. 2 if you'd like to inquire about a tour of either station.

American flag waving
Flag Disposal

To make arrangements to retire your old or worn flag, please contact Marna Pier at 602-616-1915.

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